I've struggled every time I need to do an installation for developing STM32 microcontrollers under any *buntu Linux distribution. There are quite a few websites with information, at my first attempt I downloaded and compiled everything per hand. But if you just want to get started as quickly as possible and spend your time getting that LED to blink and not looking for compilers and libraries and installing program after program, I might be able to help. I'm installing and setting up a simple yet good enough development environment on a Linux Xubuntu 14.04, and it has worked on higher versions too.
My system runs using the arm-none-eabi GCC compiler for bare metal, that is, you program everything per hand. printf won't work this way, I haven't bothered to install the newlib and generating the correct library. To be honest, I'm not even sure how that works.
These instructions will allow you to program pretty much every STM32F10x controller around, and later on, we can proceed to the STM32F2xx family, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
My system runs using the arm-none-eabi GCC compiler for bare metal, that is, you program everything per hand. printf won't work this way, I haven't bothered to install the newlib and generating the correct library. To be honest, I'm not even sure how that works.
These instructions will allow you to program pretty much every STM32F10x controller around, and later on, we can proceed to the STM32F2xx family, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.