Thursday, 21 May 2015

The Smokey Headphone Amp

I'll start by admitting that this is not my original design, but it's actually based on CMoy's Headphone Amp, as well asNwAvGuy's O2 Headphone Amp. It's a bit of a mix, taking the output stage of the O2 Amp with the sheer simplicity of the CMoy Amp, but adding an extra 6 dB amplification.

Goes like this. I wanted to try a headphone amp. My colleague at work eats and shares his mints with me, so I thought, "Give me one of the empty boxes, I'll build an amp out of it". So the box lay on my desk for ages, and I realised

a) it was too small
b) it would fit only one 9V battery
c) I'd have to do a surface mount design

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Installation of a Linux RAID1 Server

A couple of years back, 2010, the PC I was working with at work was replaced. I asked around, what happens with the hardware? They told me the guy in charge of putting down the PC's gave them away in exchange of a donation for the local children's hospital, around 20 Euros usually. He said he didn't want to charge any more than that, it ensured that most of the PC's ended up being sold. That seemed like a pretty good deal to me, for a desktop by HP manufactured around 2005, with a 80 GB hard drive, 1 or 2 GB RAM and a CD drive.